"Unlock Your Lightshow!"

We created this website to make a lasting impression on our
customers and the community around us. Growing up, we were often captivated by the lights of the holiday season. Every year we would anticipate eagerly the joy created by each and every bulb that illuminated our towns’ and streets.

Most of our xLights sequences are edited to be under 2 or 3 minutes. We believe this gives the audience just enough to want more and also minimises the chances of the song becoming 'light' repetitive.

Version Updates

V2.0 Spinarchy , Candy Canes, Spiral Trees, GE Kings Ransom, Spotlights
V2.1 Pixel Forest
V2.3 Moving Heads
V2.4 Moving Head pan orientation adjustment Line Added
V2.5 Showstopper Snowflake, GE Shape Shifter, GE Dazzler, 4x8 Matrix Mesh 47 x 95 Nodes (1inch) (Removed Rosa Grande as submodels can be used from Rosa Wreath)