xLights Models (House Grouping)
Below is a list of groups that are used in our xLights sequences on the House.
All Models are then grouped with their own submodels if you have more than one of the same prop
Everything-Bottom/Everything Top
SpotLight GRP
GE Rosa Wreath GRP
Grands GRP
GE Kings Ransom GRP
GE Shape Shifter GRP
GE Dazzler GRP
Snowflakes GRP
Window Matrix GRP
Icicle GRP
Singing Tree (All Outlines)
House Verticals Horizontals + Icicles + Window Matrix
House Verticals Horizontals + Icicles + Window Matrix + Matrix
House Verticals Horizontals + Icicles + Window Matrix + Matrix + Mega Tree
Showstopper Snowflake GRP (STF/SSF)